Here we share real, unbiased testimonials from our students that are taken directly from BG Academy’s Facebook Testimonial Page.

If you found the reviews helpful, do click on the “Like” Button at our page and if you have any questions, leave us a message here.


BG Badminton Facebook Review
BG Badminton Facebook Reviews
BG Badminton Academy Google Review
BG Badminton Google Reviews

Once again I hope the testimonials are helpful in reassuring you that BG Academy provides quality badminton training and have produced numerous satisfied customers from kids to adults alike.

Authentic and Transparent

We feel that as Badminton Coaches, it is important that we are absolutely transparent and authentic in the way we hold ourselves, starting from our first impression. That’s why we choose to use the Facebook review page as anyone can leave a positive or negative review using their personal profile to help you understand what we truly are about.

Unlike other Badminton Academies, we give you direct access to our students and have created many Free tools & resources to help you get started in your Badminton journey. Here are some of the things we have created.

  1. A community of badminton players
  2. A badminton resource website
  3. Q&A private Facebook group

A Community of Players

As we were once students ourselves, we understand the importance of a community of like-minded students to help motivate, share exciting moments and to ask for advice. Therefore, we created a private Facebook group for all badminton students to engage and connect with the other students to share the wealth of knowledge!

And we would like to extend our invitation for you to join us too, all you have to do is request to join our group here! 

Check out our feature in the Best in Singapore listings::

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